Buying your first camera


Expose To The Right

Winter morning sun rays

Peeping Light

How Close is Close Enough?

As the prosumer cameras are getting better and better by the day, the macro possibilities are opening more and more for even the non–DSLR camera users. As a matter of fact, many a time, these smaller, weather sealed cameras produce photographs that are as good as ones taken with a DSLR and macro lens. Again, great add-ons like Raynox DCR 250 can be easily mounted on the lens of these non-SLR cameras. Such arrangements open a complete new world for the photographer.

Need for good, aesthetic and ethical Post-processing

Post-processing is not about making your photographs look more colourful or more beautiful, but it is more about using the correct extent of enhancements to strengthen the story that the photographs brings out.
I am using this word “enhancement” because it directly points at two of the key terms used in the title of this article – aesthetic and ethical.