Some have everything, some have very little
Others have complaints.
If only everything in life were fair!
Ones who have very little are ones that have no complaints. They deal, they battle. They endure.
Their faces speak.
Every tiny crease on their face is a witness of struggle, yet they smile.
A smile that is pure, without malice.
Every deep wound inflicted upon them is etched on their forehead.
All harshness surrounding them is camouflaged,
Not in the comforts of shadows, yet they smile.
A smile of kindness, smile that is forgiving.
They give everything they have, without slightest grudge.
Not expecting a return favor.
Just a smile works for them.
If only everything in life were fair!
Wind does not erode them, sun does not burn them, rain does not flood them.
Look in those eyes, look at the calm. Why are they contented?
Why are they happy? What brings them joys?
Perhaps nothing. Nothing that most would look for.
Perhaps everything, everything that most would not see.
It’s life itself, not caring about what is missing, living with what is there.
Looking at life squarely,
With those creases of wisdom,
with those creases of endurance.
Someday, I thrive to be there…
Hoping for wisdom,
Hoping I may endure!!